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Medication madness.

Hello everyone, welcome to my first blog post, I know you are all very busy (especially at this time of year) so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
Yesterday (December 10th 2014), the BBC published an article stating that 50% of women in England and 43% of men are on prescription medication.
Whilst younger people are less likely to be on any medications, 50% of those over 75 were on more than five different medications. Reading further into the article reveals that the most common medications are for blood pressure, cholesterol and antidepressants. I personally find it quite frightening how many people are on these medications. I have no end of patients inform me that their ‘cholesterol was borderline; so the GP has put me on medication anyway…’
At this point I could get onto a soap box and moan about the huge power the pharmaceutical industry holds over the medical profession and our National Health Service, but I promised to keep it short!
I could also link to articles that my Chiropractor friends are quoting about a study in the USA where patients under chiropractic use 53% less drugs than those not under care, but I am honest and open with my patients and this study is purely related to back pain and surgery not about other medications such as those for cardiovascular disease. It’s still fantastic news that we can help reduce the number of painkillers and likelihood of surgery for the majority of back pain sufferers but our patients already know that –it is why they come to see us and why they recommend us to friends and family.
So instead I’d like to remind you that your health is your responsibility, that the majority of medications can be avoided with a healthy diet and exercise. I know at this time of year there are plenty of parties and meals out to indulge in, that it is dark early; icy cold and windy so the thought of exercise is bleak. However, if you can get out for a walk over lunchtime then hopefully you will blow the cobwebs away, get some vitamin D if the sun makes an appearance and make your heart work harder which is the start of making it (and you) healthier. Don’t put it off to the New Year –start now and still enjoy everything over Christmas -just in moderation!
At the clinic we will be happy to answer any questions you have to address your diet and lifestyle, either ask your chiropractor in your next treatment session or join us for one of the spinal healthcare classes in the New Year –they are free and limited to small groups so that the chiropractor can answer questions. They need to be booked via reception, Wednesday 7th January 7pm, Thursday 22nd January 7pm and Tuesday 3rd February 7pm are all available to book now but we expect them to fill up quickly!
Enjoy the festivities and we look forward to helping keep you happy and healthy in 2015!