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Annual leave opening hours

Due to Alex and Ruth taking some annual leave – the clinic will be running on shorter hours: Monday 17th October 2022 11:00hrs- 14:00hrs, Tuesday 18ths October 2022 12:00- 20:00hrs, Wednesday 19th October 2022 08:00hrs – 17:00hrs, Thursday 20th October 2022 08:00hrs – 17:00hrs, Friday 21st October 2022 08:00-12:oohrs, Saturday 22nd October 2022 Closed, Normal hours will resume Monday 24th October 2022


Can You Be Too Supple?

Some people are very flexible, while others aim to improve their flexibility through yoga classes and stretching exercises. However, have you ever considered that there is such as thing as too supple?

Hypermobility means that you can move some or all of your joints in a way that most people cannot, without pain. Joint hypermobility is what some people refer to as having “loose joints” or being “double-jointed”. The joints most commonly affected are the knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers.

Many people with hypermobility do not experience any problems. In fact, people such as dancers, gymnasts and musicians can actually benefit from the increased flexibility. However, there are times that you should seek medical advice and treatment for hypermobility.

People should seek treatment if they experience:

  • Pain in the loose joint during or after movement
  • Sudden changes in the appearance of the joint
  • Changes in mobility, specifically in the joints
  • Changes in the functioning of your arms and legs

Often additional symptoms are minimal and may only become apparent after minor trauma.

In addition to genetic factors, hypermobility can be caused by weak muscles supporting the joint.

Other causes of hypermobile joints can include trauma, developmental issues, and hormonal factors.

During pregnancy the female body increases production of the hormone oestrogen and produces the hormone relaxin. The function of these hormones is to increase ligament laxity enabling the female pelvis to accommodate the growing foetus and helps to open the birth canal during labour. It can also cause hypermobility of the lumbar spine and of the sacroiliac joints of the pelvis.

Treatment for hypermobility syndrome can include strengthening exercises that will stabilise the joint. It is also useful for people to develop an awareness of what the normal range of motion is for each joint in order to avoid hyperextension. However, those with related medical conditions or who are pregnant should seek the advise of their chiropractor to establish a safe exercise plan.


Why Do Your Joints Click?

Many people cringe at the sound of knuckles, elbows and other joints cracking. For years, experts have debated whether or not this common cracking could cause joint problems.

It has recently been confirmed that this ‘popping’ is due to a small bubble forming between joints. The bubble forms when joints move apart, forming a kind of vacuum in the synovial fluid, a slippery substance that lubricates the joints.

People who can deliberately make joints like knuckles pop usually do so by pushing or pulling the joint in such a way as to make an air bubble appear with a sudden pop. This is called joint cavitation. Once the bubble is there the joint will not pop again until all the air has been reabsorbed.

However, there are other cracking noises and sensations that may of concern. Snapping and cracking noises can be caused by osteoarthritis as a consequence of the natural ageing process, or following a trauma or disease in the joint. In this case the cartilage which eases friction in the joint breaks down, so that movement causes painful friction and crunching noises.

Snapping noises and sensations, on the other hand, are likely to be caused by muscle or tendon moving across a bone. This happens when a tendon is slightly loose, and occurs most often in the hip, knee, ankle, wrist and shoulder. This could eventually lead to bursitis, or inflammation of the fluid-filled sac that allows muscle to move smoothly over bone.

So why does chiropractic treatment cause joints to pop? Chiropractic manipulation takes advantage of the phenomenon of cavitation to induce movement in stiff and painful joints and correct looseness in the neighbouring joints. This reduces the likelihood of accidental popping. In other words, by popping joints in the correct way, chiropractic relieves stiffness and makes neighbouring joints more stable.


Knee pain: 5 ways to help alleviate knee pain without surgery

Knee pain may be the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions — including arthritis, gout and infections — also can cause knee pain. Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Here are 5 ways to help soothe knee pain without surgery.

  1. Chiropractic adjustments

Knee pain can be reduced with chiropractic adjustments. This method involves using the hands to adjust, massage or stimulate the knee. There are usually several angles of approach when it comes to treating knee pain this way. Some common synergetic treatments include using ice to reduce inflammation around the joint and some soft tissue massage to help improve the knee’s range of motion.

  1. Weight loss

Knee pain is one of the most common complications of being overweight or obese. If you’re among the millions of people who experience knee pain, even a small amount of weight loss can help reduce pain and lower the risk of osteoarthritis (OA). Those extra pounds increase the stress on your knees, which in turn can cause chronic pain and lead to other complications such as OA.

  1. CBD oil

People use CBD to help treat a variety of ailments, including pain. According to Healthline, CBD oil interacts with two receptors, called CB1 and CB2, which can help reduce pain and the effects of inflammation. CB2’s involvement in immune system could help explain why CBD oil may be helpful in people with inflammatory autoimmune forms of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis. Although there has not been a massive amount of studies on this subject, many health experts agree that CBD oil helps with pain management.

CBD can be taken as a liquid, a tincture, in capsules, or applied topically. You can take the capsules orally, add the liquid to foods or drinks, or apply creams with CBD to affected joints.

  1. Physical therapy

You might feel like the last thing you should do is get on your feet and move your joint around. However, often physical therapy (PT) is what your doctor suggests to get your strength back and put you on the road to recovery.  This involves doing specific stretches and exercises under the guidance of a licensed physical therapist. These exercises may relieve tension or help strengthen specific areas to help relieve pain and make your body feel and move better.

Some things you might need are:

  • Stretches and exercises
  • Ice and heat
  • Ultrasound massage
  • Electrical nerve or muscle stimulation
  1. Correct footwear

Good supportive shoes allow your foot to move more naturally as you walk, and help to maintain balance. Most importantly, picking the right shoes, whether it be trainers for running or heels for a party, is crucial for achieving proper foot and knee alignment, and correctly distributing stress through your knee joints during activity. Wearing improper footwear can change the stress placed on your knees, leading to injury and pain. Everyone’s feet are different, and therefore, choosing proper footwear is determined on an individual basis.

If you think your shoes may be the cause of your knee pain, don’t wait, because further complications can occur as a result.


Is Your Knee Pain a Ligament Injury?

The knee joint is a complex joint that relies heavily on ligaments and muscles for stability. Knee pain can be caused by various factors, not always originating from the knee, which makes the pain difficult to locate.

Common causes of pain are local causes such as, trauma and overuse, dysfunction of the lower limb, referred pain from low back, pelvis and hip. When pain is perceived as coming from the knee all the anatomical components need to be examined in addition to the joints that contribute to the biomechanics of the knee, i.e. low back, pelvis, hip and ankle and the foot.

One of the most common types of injury of the knee is damage to the ligaments. Ligaments are usually injured due to direct trauma to the knee and the amount of ligament injury caused is described as 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree sprain:

  • 1st Degree Sprain – some tearing/over stretch of the fibres, no joint instability, mild pain, minimal swelling.
  • 2nd Degree Sprain – Separation/tearing of fibres causing moderate instability and moderate to sever pain, swelling and stiffness.
  • 3rd Degree Sprain – total rupture, gross instability, pain usually severe, profuse swelling, usually requires lengthy immobilisation and/or surgery.

Ligament injury will usually involve a certain amount of swelling directly over the location of the ligament.

Treatment of the sprain depends on the degree of injury.  After the initial treatment, 1st and 2nd degree sprains can then be nursed at home with rest, ice, compression/elevation, massage and nutritional support of vitamin C / zinc. Once the ligament begins to heal gradual introduction of mobilisation and strengthening exercises can help and finally, proprioceptive training once ligament has healed. However, 3rd degree sprains are more serious and often require surgical repair.


Craft stalls revisited

Here are the dates for our November/ December bring and buy cake bake and craft sales: Weeks beginning: 7th November Bring and buy cake sale, Craft sales 14th, 21st and 28th. December 7th, 14th 21st 2022

If you have a micro business or hobby that you want to showcase sign up for a slot – just £5 for the tabletop for the week – keep your own profits. Contact reception to secure your place – book early to avoid disappointment.


Sore Shoulder

Over the counter medication may work as short-term relief for shoulder pain.  However, for long term improvement, consulting a chiropractor is a very effective solution. Chiropractors identify the cause of pain by addressing all the joints, cartilages, connective tissues and nervous system in the area of the pain.

Shoulders are directly connected to the neck and spine, so experiencing pain here can be due to a misalignment in the spine or an injury. Serious injuries to the shoulder could lead to dislocations or stress on the spine and nerves.

One of the treatments for a sore shoulder is to rehabilitate the functions of the body that are restricted. Since the central nervous system is responsible for co-ordinating everything within the body, shoulder pains can often be treated using chiropractic adjustments.

Much modern day shoulder pain has been shown to be the result of bad seated posture.

If you experience long term chronic pain in your shoulder, it is advised to have your posture assessed. Chiropractors can give you advice on how to live comfortably without putting unnecessary pressure on your spine. It can often take just minor adjustments to your posture to make a big difference to your shoulder pain.


Fashion Faux Pas

Could your wardrobe be causing you back pain?

From pencil skirts to skinny jeans, there are a range of everyday outfits that can be the cause for bad necks, painful backs and aching knees.

High heels

Wearing high heels more regularly than not can be bad for your feet and back. Hammer toes, bunions, shortened calf muscles; the list of ailments caused by wearing shoes with too high heels goes on, including circulation problems, knee damage and back pain. Eliminate damage by reducing the amount you wear high heels. Opting to wear trainers while walking long distances, such as to and from work, will help matters, as well as sticking to a small heel as much as possible.

Oversized bags

You may already be aware of the danger of lugging a heavy bag over one shoulder but did you know that carrying it in the crook of your forearm could be even worse? This one-sided lift can increase the risk of muscle strain and pain in the neck, shoulders and upper back and even trigger tension headaches. Top tips? Don’t overfill your bag, hold it by the handle or, if you must wear it over one shoulder, change sides regularly.

Skinny jeans

Wearing jeans that grip around the waist, hips, thighs and calves can reduce your mobility, even if it’s just walking that you’re doing. Restrictive clothing can lead to a loss of ‘bounce’ in your stride and the natural shock-absorbing qualities in your walk, causing pressure in your joints.

Pencil skirts

Tight trousers and pencil skirts can damage muscles and joints as much as high heels and heavy bags, leaving you in pain. Their straight-sided, slim fit clamps your knees together, making it harder to balance and bend. Wearing a tight skirt regularly could lead to a pulled muscle or even disc problems because of the limitations they put on your ability to move.

Heavy necklaces

Our necks have to struggle to cope with the strain of the weight of an average head (around 10lb to 12lb – roughly equivalent to five bags of sugar) day in day out, so adding a heavy necklace can really heighten the pressure. Not only this, wearing a heavy necklace also pulls the neck forward or backwards, away from its point of neutral balance. This can lead to neck tension and pain, and long-term could encourage a slouched posture and damage to the back.

Supportive Underwear

While wearing supportive underwear can have beneficial effects on your posture, as it acts like the compression clothing top athletes wear to improve performance by increasing blood and lymphatic flow, choosing the wrong variety will cause trouble. Wedging yourself into something too tight, which contains low amounts of flexible lycra will not only restrict breathing but, if it’s tight enough, also limit the movement in the middle of your body, placing abnormal loads on parts of your spine. Restricting movement to sections of your spine means that other parts have to compensate. This usually leads to pain and, ultimately, damage in your upper or lower back.


Pelvic dysfunction is not life threatening – but it can be life limiting!

Many patients who suffer from knee, back or shoulder pain for example can attribute these issues to a pelvic dysfunction. While pelvic dysfunction is not life threatening it can be life limiting so find out how you can make small changes that may make a large difference. If you’re suffering from regular pain and think you might have a misaligned pelvis, it’s important for patients to visit a chiropractor.

Pelvic dysfunction often happen as a result of everyday awkward movements over time such as lifting heavy loads without care and sitting at a desk with bad posture as well as during pregnancy and childbirth or from injury.

The pelvis acts as a transmitter of forces between the legs and the spine. Many important muscle groups attach to the pelvis, the thigh muscles from below and the muscles of the trunk from above. If the pelvic joints (sacroiliac joints and pubic symphysis) are not moving correctly this can cause an imbalance resulting in pain in many different places. It could be looked at as a core stabilizer, supporting the spine, legs and wide range of muscles, so when the pelvis is not working properly (hip is tilted out of position) it can cause pain, weakness and tightness that can travel through the hip and pelvis up into the shoulders and neck, it also commonly can cause referred pain down into the legs.

There are three distinct areas that may be affected as a result of Pelvic Dysfunction these include the hips, which can become achy, painful and inflamed, the lower back which due to impairment of stability and function of (hyperextension) of the muscles in the abdomen and lower back which can cause spinal joint (facet joint) injuries and finally, the knee and ankle which can be put under a lot of strain if weight is shifted to one side to compensate for the pelvic dysfunction.

You can do a simple test at home to help you look for obvious signs of pelvic dysfunction: stand barefoot in front of a mirror with your back straight but relaxed. Imagine a vertical line going straight down the middle of your body and a second line near your shoulders that is perfectly perpendicular to the first line. If your hips are out of alignment, your pelvis will appear diagonal rather than parallel to the second line meaning you have a lateral pelvic tilt. This could be a sign of pelvic dysfunction.


Foods to fight aches and pains

It can be uncomfortable living with continuous aches and pains caused from inflammation.  However, there are foods that you can introduce into your diet that will help to heal and soothe your symptoms. Whether you’re struggling with joint pain or experiencing other types of physical aches, here are some examples of foods that you can easily introduce into your diet to help naturally.


Often used as a natural ingredient in medicine, this pungent root is probably best known for its anti-nausea, stomach soothing properties. However it can be utilised as an excellent arthritis and menstrual cramp remedy. Ginger can be found in a capsule as a replacement to over-the counter drugs like ibuprofen and help to relieve pain. 


Rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is considered heart healthy, and can relieve joint tenderness, especially if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. This is a nutritious source of protein that you can easily introduce into your diet.   Alternatively, other excellent cold-water fish that can be eaten that contain health benefits are tuna, sardines and mackerel. 


Fighting inflammation to help lessen pain, blueberries are extremely nutritious and easily introduced into your diet as a breakfast or fresh snacking staple. Not only do they help relieve symptoms of pain, they also help reduce stress, manage cholesterol and potentially reduce blood pressure. Fruit alternatives to blueberries that reap the same health benefits would be strawberries and oranges that also share anti-inflammatory properties that offer a soothing effect. 


Used as an alternative prescription painkiller, the natural effects of peppermint oil can help relieve painful cramps, gas and bloating. As well as being a comforting morning or evening drink, peppermint tea can be used as a remedy for upset stomachs. 

Chilli peppers:

Known for their painkilling properties, studies have shown that eating raw chillies may aid in reducing inflammation. Interestingly, eating them tricks your brain into releasing endorphins which block pain signals. These can be easily incorporated into your diet in moderation as a tasty garnish on your meals. 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: 

As well as being an excellent provider of fats, extra virgin olive oil can also help with joint pain. Extra virgin olive oil has a compound in it called oleocanthal which helps to keep your joints moving smoothly and helps protect cartilage from breaking down. When cooking with olive oil, it is advised to cook at a lower temperature, less than 400 degrees, to ensure that you do not lose the health benefits. 
