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Mindfulness for our Wellbeing

Whether you have an important work meeting, an appointment to book, or an errand to run after work, everyone is susceptible to dealing with a long to do list. Living a fast-paced lifestyle often means neglecting some of our thoughts and pushing them to the back of our mind. However, when we do this, we are stressing ourselves out more than we realise, and this stress can often trickle back into our body physically. Muscle tension or inflammation can be caused by an overload of stress in our life.

Mindfulness is the practice of becoming aware of yourself in the present moment, enabling you to identify how you feel inside and out. With this mind-body approach, you can clear your mind of negativity and unnecessary stresses and ultimately, help against physical aches and pains. Mindfulness also allows you to understand the pain you might be feeling and how to ease any anxiety associated with it. If constant stress is untreated, it can lead to increased tension, forming a continuous cycle of pain. As well as stress and chronic pain, mindfulness can help combat anxiety, sleep and eating disorders.  Mindfulness can also increase our positivity and energy levels which overall encourages a healthy lifestyle.

Mindfulness has many benefits to your general wellbeing and your physical health. Next time you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take 10 minutes out of your day to practice mindfulness with these five tips:

  1. Sit comfortably and relax
  2. Focus on your breath
  3. From your head to toes, bring awareness to each body part
  4. Identify any sounds or smells and let them pass
  5. Acknowledge and accept how you feel emotionally

The Importance of Stretching

We all know that exercise is a part of healthy living, but what about stretching? Stretching is often viewed as an option, something to do before or after training if time permits. Stretching is an essential activity to incorporate daily, for its multiple benefits to the muscular, spinal and neurological system.

Stretching is an essential activity that helps maintain the body’s natural functionality, preserves the muscular tissue and improves and prolongs mobility. The desk-bound lifestyle of office workers and children and the exhausting and muscle straining life of factory and construction workers tends to form imbalances and tensions throughout the body. If those imbalances are not addressed, the body starts to compensate by assuming an incorrect posture, ultimately causing back pain and joint pain. It is important to incorporate stretching into chiropractic care, to help injuries heal faster, increase energy and reduce pain.

The following are some of the benefits that a regular stretching programme can provide:

  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Increase the range of movement
  • Enhance muscular coordination
  • Alleviate back pain
  • Improve mental wellness

There are many stretching techniques that one can try, here are a few helpful tips if you are looking to start a routine:

  • Take it slow; stretching is beneficial if not done in a hurry, with the stretching movement or position being achieved slowly and comfortably;
  • Ideally, stretch after your muscles have warmed up, cold muscles and deep stretches could injure the muscle tissue and cause more pain;
  • Stretch before and after your workout, aim for a total of 20 minutes of stretching with both dynamic and static stretching techniques;
  • Hold each stretch for 30 seconds;
  • Stretch both sides of the body and focus on stretching major areas of the body that help with mobility, such as calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, and quadriceps, shoulders, neck and lower back.

Everyone can stretch but some people might need to adjust the stretching movement to be beneficial and comfortable to them. Ask your chiropractor if you would like to start a stretching routine but suffer from an existing injury, chronic pain, or have a physical limitation.


Dangers of Back Pain at School

When the children are back in the classrooms, running around playgrounds and playing sports, like adults, they can be prone to back pain, and there can be several causes.

The most common causes of joint and back pain in school children are:

  • Lack of exercise or excessive exercise
  • Weight of school bags
  • Bad posture
  • Poorly set up desks
  • Use of a computer or computer games
  • Sports injuries
  • Ill-fitting shoes/improper shoes

Lack of exercise and excessive exercise

The general finding from various studies is that children involved in competitive sports and those who are sedentary are more prone to getting low back pain while those that participated in moderate activity were protected. The children involved in competitive sports run the risk of getting repetitive strain injuries. Those children who are sedentary are often those who sit and watch a lot of television or play on a computer. The implication of this will be discussed below.

Weight of school bags

School bags are exceptionally heavy for those attending secondary school due to the number of different subjects covered and therefore the number of textbooks required and the fact the children often have to move between classes. Not all children have access to lockers, which mean that books have to be carried with them. Bags carried on one shoulder causes an asymmetry of the body and therefore certain muscles will have to tighten and others lengthen in order to carry the bag. These kind of imbalances can cause long-term problems.

Bad posture

All aspects of life can induce bad posture; lack of exercise, weight of school bags, spending too much time playing computer games or on the computer, incorrect shoes, and growth. Those children who grow faster and become taller than their peers may slouch in order to not tower above their friends and this can ultimately lead to bad posture.

Poorly set up desks

Whether at school or home, ill-fitting desks can lead to bad posture. School desks and chairs cannot cater for individual heights of children and, as mentioned earlier, the children often have to move between classes. The desks and chairs are uniform and unable to be altered to the child’s individual needs. Guidance on correct desk set up should be implemented at home; not just for the kids but also for everyone in the family who uses the desk. At school this can’t be done, but by advising the child to sit upright and not to slouch and not to cross the legs will help.

Use of a computer or computer games

Anybody position requires certain muscles to shorten and others to lengthen. This occurs every time we move. If we were to stay in one position for too long those muscles will eventually stay that particular length. When children play on computer games it quite often requires time. This leads to the above situation with muscles. Children should be encouraged to not spend longer than 30-40 minutes at any one time playing games, using a computer, or even doing homework before having a break. The child should spend a few minutes walking around and then returning to the game/homework by reviewing their posture and sitting correctly.

Sports injuries

Those children who play a lot of sport and those who play contact sports such as rugby may be injured either by direct contact or by overuse of certain muscles. If a child is injured it is advisable that they are seen by a chiropractor as problems unresolved can lead to compensations, ie walking differently due to sprained ankle leading to low back pain, a rugby tackle causing neck pain and headaches.

Ill-fitting shoes/improper shoes

Children are conscious of fashion, which can affect their shoe wear. Girls particularly may wear shoes with a high heel. This causes the calf muscles to shorten and pushes the body forward. To prevent falling over the girl would have to lean back and causing an increase in the low back curvature which can not only cause low back pain but also pain between the shoulder blades.

Wearing improperly fitting shoes can cause many problems from blisters, pressure sores and ingrowing toenails in the short-term, to feet deformities like hammer toe, and knee and posture problems in the long-term. It can take up to 18 years for feet to fully develop, so teenagers feet need to be looked after just as much as younger children’s.

Shoes should be the correct size and offer the right amount of support. When purchasing new shoes, get the child’s feet correctly sized by the shop assistant and ensure that the shoes are the correct length as well as width.

Here’s some advice to help your child:

  • Rucksacks should be worn across both shoulders and the straps adjusted so the bag is held close to the body.
  • If a locker is available, encourage your child to use it and ensure they only take the books and equipment needed for that day.
  • Check their shoes are correctly fitted, supported, relatively flat, and are not too worn.
  • Encourage your child to enjoy regular exercise, such as swimming and cycling.
  • Use of the computer, playing computer games and homework should be in blocks of no more than 30-40 minutes. Advise them to have a little walk before returning and again that they sit with their shoulders down and back (not slumped) and their legs are uncrossed.
  • See a chiropractor if your child is experiencing pain or discomfort, or even just to get a check-up.

Take a Stand on Back Pain

Could standing work desks be the answer to unwanted back pain?

Recent workplace trends show that many employers are now opting for standing work areas, rather than the more conventional seated desks, in a bid to prevent their workers suffering from back pain and to help increase their productivity in the office.

But are these innovative standing workspaces really the way forward to a healthy back, free from pain and discomfort?  Here are three things to bear in mind if your workplace decides that standing, rather than sitting, is the best way forward:

Standing tall

Sitting and bending forward (as you tend to do in an office seat) can put twice as much load on your spine as standing does so standing desks could well be a better option for the office.

Take a break

While standing, however, it is important to remember that you should still take regular breaks as you would when sitting at a desk. Being stuck in one position, even if it is in a ‘good posture’, is not advisable.

The best of both

A desk set-up that allows you to stand as well as sit is the most ideal situation, as this gives you the option to change position regularly. The more adjustable your desk set-up is, the more likely you are to find a position that suits you.


Summer Time Sports

Summer time has arrived – well it did make a short appearance, and sport is in full flow with Wimbledon and the Euros, so it gives us added insentive to get out there and take part but with it comes the added need for us to take extra care of our necks, backs and spines to avoid pain and injury…

If the arrival of sunshine has caused you to pack away your winter jumpers and, instead, pull out your racket, shin pads or helmet for a bout of summer activities, remember to take note of these simple steps to ensure you steer clear of any unwanted pain and discomfort.

RUNNERS can avoid injury by regular stretching of the tendons and wearing good shoes with shock-absorbing features.

RACKET-SPORTS PLAYERS should be wary of playing through the pain of Tennis Elbow. Tennis Elbow is in fact an overuse injury, caused by repetitive movements at the wrist forcing the thumb outwards and the palm upwards. Continuing to play will only exacerbate the problem.

GOLFERS are particularly prone to lower back injuries. Graphite clubs and soft spiked shoes will help absorb the shock which can bring on back injury. Your chiropractor can suggest appropriate warm-ups and exercises, and help you work on an alternative swing.

GARDENERS commonly suffer from aches and pains, but they can avoid lower back trouble by kneeling on one leg rather than bending from the hips, keeping the back hollow whilst digging, and varying tasks throughout the day to avoid repetition injury.

DIY, like gardening, is often far-removed from everyday activities. When the sun is shining many will want to get out in the garden and get on with the long list of DIY jobs that have piled up over the winter months. Enthusiasts often injure their back by in habitual exertion, so when lifting, take the weight on bent legs, keeping the back straight.


Mattress Matters

Could your mattress be the cause of your back pain? It’s time for a change!

While buying a new mattress can be a costly investment, it is important to take note of the signs that it needs replacing to reduce back and neck pain which can be triggered by a bad mattress. This is usually down to people only changing their mattress once every ten years, despite recommendations to do so every seven years, as advised by venerable sources such as the Sleep Council.

How often you change a mattress depends on lots of factors, including your weight and how well you care for your mattress. As soon as your mattress stops supporting your back, know that it’s time to get a new one.

5 signs that it’s time to change your mattress:

  1.  You wake up feeling stiff or aching.
  2.  You had a better night’s sleep somewhere else.
  3.  Your mattress is misshapen or sagging.
  4.  Your mattress creaks when you move.
  5.  You can feel individual springs.

4 factors to remember when choosing a new mattress:

  1. Choose a mattress that supports your weight; a heavier person will need a more supportive mattress than someone who is lighter in weight.
  2. Test your mattress before buying; your spine should be parallel to the mattress when lying on your side. Make sure your spine doesn’t sag, as this is a sign your mattress is too soft, or bow, as this is a sign that it’s too hard.
  3. When selecting a suitable pillow, make sure it allows your neck to become a continuation of the straight spine created by your well-suited mattress, making sure that your neck neither too high or too low.
  4. If you share a bed with your partner, make sure they are with you at the time of purchasing your mattress. Your ideal mattress tensions could be different. If this is the case, try buying from a range that allow two single mattresses to be zipped together so that you both get the support you need.

Don’t forget to check out our short video on the website for more information ( Your chiropractor can offer further help and advice. We also stock two types of memory foam pillows so ask at reception for more details.


Don’t Let Back Pain Spoil Your Holiday!

Think of holidays and most people will dream up images of days spent having a good time, perhaps relaxing in the sun or pursuing new interests. But how many people would wish to imagine themselves lying down indoors with back pain?

Unanticipated injury, such as back pain, can spoil a good holiday – don’t let it spoil yours. Aim to reach a good level of fitness before you go away, and when taking part in sports, make sure you know how play them properly.

Whatever physical activities you choose to engage in, bear in mind that a good number of back complaints are offset by failing to warm up properly before exercising.

Different sports have different guidelines as to how you should take care of your back. For example, when swimming it’s important not to try to keep the whole of the head out of the water, as this places considerable strain on the neck and shoulders, which can lead to problems in the lower back

Golf can present its own problems, particularly if the muscles aren’t warmed up beforehand in order to cope with the rotation (twisting) of the lower back when swinging the club. Prevent this by practising stretching and flexibility exercises before playing.


Advice for Lifting Heavy Loads

Whether it’s emptying the car boot or moving files at work, we all end up lifting heavy loads once in a while. However, many of us find it hard to lift objects correctly in way that we don’t injure our backs. So, what should we be doing to protect our spines? Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions that could be useful in helping prevent back injuries:

Have you checked the object before you try to lift it?

  • Test every load before you lift by pushing the object lightly with your hands or feet to see how easily it moves. This tells you about how heavy it is.
  • Remember, a small size does not always mean a light load.

Is the load you want to lift packed correctly?

  • Make sure the weight is balanced and packed so it won’t move around as loose pieces inside a box can cause accidents if the box becomes unbalanced.

Is it easy to grip this load?

  • Be sure you have a tight grip on the object before you lift it.
  • Handles applied to the object may help you lift it safely.

Is it easy to reach this load?

  • You can be injured if you arch your back when lifting a load over your head.
  • To avoid hurting your back, use a ladder when you’re lifting something higher than your head.

What’s the best way to pick up an object?

  • Use slow and smooth movements. Hurried, jerky movements can strain the muscles in your back.
  • Keep your body facing the object while you lift it. Twisting while lifting can hurt your back.
  • Keep the load close to your body. Having to reach out to lift and carry an object may hurt your back.
  • “Lifting with your legs” should be done only when you can straddle the load. To lift with your legs, bend your knees, not your back, to pick up the load. Keep your back straight.
  • Try to carry the load in the space between your shoulder and your waist. This puts less strain on your back muscles.

How can I avoid back injuries?

  • Pace yourself. Take many small breaks between lifts if you are lifting a number of things.
  • Don’t overdo it – don’t try to lift something too heavy for you. If you have to strain to carry the load, it’s too heavy.
  • Make sure you have enough room to lift safely. Clear a space around the object before lifting it.
  • Look around before you lift, and look around as you carry. Make sure you can see where you are walking. Know where you are going to put down the load.
  • Avoid walking on slippery, uneven surfaces while carrying something.
  • Don’t rely on a back belt to protect you. It hasn’t been proven that back belts can protect you from back injury.
  • Get help before you try to lift a heavy load and use a trolly or some other leverage, if you can.

Spring into Health with Chiropractic Care

Summer is most definitely here, and it is time to get outside and enjoy it! With the warmer weather, there will be an increase in outdoor sport activities. The best way to take full advantage of this season is to keep your health in tip top shape as well. Here are a few ways in which chiropractic care can help you to stay on top of your health and prepare you for the season ahead.

  • Regular chiropractic adjustments can help prevent injuries

No matter what type of outdoor activity you plan to take part in this summer, regular visits to your local chiropractor are helpful in reducing the risk of injury, ensuring you are not putting too much strain on your joints, and checking that your nervous system is functioning normally. Whether you are running, riding a bike, playing ball, gardening, or spending time outdoors with your kids, plan a visit to your chiropractor to learn the best practices to keep your muscles and joints healthy in order to reduce the risk of injury and pain.

  • Chiropractic care can help reduce the stress of a busy summer season

With warmer weather comes busier schedules. Whether your calendar is booked because you are spending more time with your kids as they have time off from school, or dealing with a busier work schedule, stress seems to be inevitable as the seasons change. Regular chiropractic care is a great way to reduce and prevent stress that can negatively affect your joints and overall health.

The bottom line is that in order to assure you get the most out of the season, and stay on top of your health, you need to take care of yourself. 


Active Recovery From Chronic Pain

An often overlooked yet crucial factor in the treatment of chronic pain is rehabilitation. Whilst treatment of the initial pain episode is of huge importance, rehabilitation is essential if recurrences of pain are to be avoided.

Rehabilitation is essential for those who do not wish to suffer from chronic episodes of recurring back pain. If the causal problem is not addressed after the first episode, the chances of another bad episode within four years are significantly increased.

After the cause of each episode of pain is pinpointed and treated, an exercise programme should be drawn up and supervised to prevent recurrences of the problem.  This may include personalised stretching exercises for flexibility or strength exercises to tone and condition muscles. It is important that exercise regimes are introduced gradually and monitored carefully.

A proper rehabilitative programme should combine the following four important elements:

  1. Flexibility stretching
  2. Aerobic exercise for endurance
  3. Resistance exercises
  4. Strength, balance and co-ordination exercises.

Stretching muscles should be done slowly and gently. After around ten seconds, a stretch starts to have maximum benefit, so it should be held for at least 20-30 seconds. It is important not to bounce as you stretch, which may cause damage and does not improve flexibility.

Aerobic exercise releases stress-reducing hormones and burns fat, and also increases your sense of well-being. It therefore works in two ways – not only strengthening muscles to make pain episodes less likely, but also reducing tension that can cause initial injury.
