As from Monday 18th May 2020 we are please to inform you that the clinic will be open with a full team of chiropractors and front desk support.
Monday 18th May 08:00 -20:00 hrs Troy Magowan and Alex Newton
Tuesday 19th May 08:00 – 20:00 hrs Alex Newton Troy Magowan Lucy Honychurch
Wednesday 20th May 11:00- 20:20 Troy Magowan
Thursday 21st May 08:00-20:00 Troy Magowan Lucy Honychurch Alex Newton
Friday 22nd May 08:00-17:00 Alex Newton Lucy Honychurch
Saturday 23rd May 08:00-12:00 Alex Newton Troy Magowan
We have implemented careful procedures following a full risk assessment and staff training as advised by the British Chiropractic Association. After a few days of trialling these procedures, we are comfortable that we are able to deliver a safe environment and treatment for patients who are in need of our support.
We would like to encourage those patients who are in the high risk groups to delay as long as they can, but would like to reassure them that we are here for them in other ways. If they are unable to come in to the clinic we can offer Telehealth consultations and we are satisfied with the support that these can offer to them. Please ask for details or check the online booking system for an appointment.
There is a specific procedure to follow once you arrive on site and so far we are very grateful that the patients who have attended, have respected this and supported us in ensuring the safety of themselves our team and other patients. Thank you.
- Please stay in your car once parked. The clinic entrance door will be locked. If you can check in online please do or scan the code reader on the door. You do not need to knock on the door or ring the clinic phone to notify us you are here we will come and find you. There may be a short delay in collecting you to protect other patients.
- Please bring your own gloves and masks if you have them. We do have supplies so don’t worry if you don’t.
- We will ask you to sanitise your hands, sign a consent form, take your temperature and get you changed. ALL patient will be expected to undress to their underwear and wear a clinic gown, gloves and a mask throughout their time in the clinic.
- Please pay by contactless cards and dispose of your PPE carefully
We are sorry to inform you that the other therapists still do not have a start date.
Remember appointments can be booked on line via our new booking facility.
There will be further changes which will be announced in the June Newsletter about future changes to the clinic opening hours.
Opening hours:
Monday 11th May 2020 11 :00 hrs- 20:00 hrs Alex Newton
Tuesday 12th May 2020 08:00 hrs – 18:00 hrs Alex Newton and Lucy Honychurch
Wednesday 13th May CLOSED
Thursday 14th May 2020 09:00hrs – 19:00hrs Lucy Honychurch and Alex Newton
Friday 15th May 2020 08:00hrs – 17:00hrs Alex Newton and Lucy Honychurch
Saturday 16th May 2020 CLOSED due to Team Training
Troy Magowan will be resuming her clinical practice from Monday 18th May 2020
Front Desk Receptionists returning Tuesday 26th May 2020
Ruth Taylor, Jenny Flowers and Anne Etherton – still awaiting authorisation – start date TBA
Please go to our Appointment Button ABOVE to book online or call during these times to talk to us. We still do not have any front desk receptionists for a little while longer, so please leave a message and we will call you as soon as we are free.
If you have an appointment please wait in your car in the carpark and the chiropractor will come and fetch you when it is safe for you to enter the clinic
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to helping you out soon.
We would also like to thank all the patients who have ventured in through the door for our acute care service for their understanding and cooperation abiding by our Covid-19 policy to deliver safe and effective treatment.
Best wishes and stay safe From All The Team @ BCC
Alex and Lucy will be taking the leap of faith on Friday 1st May and opening the clinic doors to support patients in acute pain. All being well there will be a further two sessions offered Monday 4th, and Thursday 7th May from 8am to 5 pm. They will be doing half a day each while the other is covering reception. **** THESE WILL BE INCREASED IF THE DEMAND IS THERE*** please keep viewing the website for updates.
These appointments must be pre-booked either online through JANEAPP or by phone. If we have your email address you should have by now been sent a welcome email from our new system JANEAPP. This allows you to log in and register yourself, amend your personal details and also book an appointment.
If you are new to the clinic or if you have not had the email because either you do not have an email address or it is incorrect on the system please ring the clinic and select no.2 to talk to Alex who can find you an appointment or email Alex directly: and she will update your records and get you into the system.
You will be able to view any up and coming appointments for all practitioners and will be able to alter these if you need to.
SOME APPOINTMENTS IN MAY HAVE BEEN ALTERED SLIGHTLY, PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK YOUR BOOKINGS. We have had to alter some to allow for our staggered social distancing appointments during this time.
If you cannot attend the clinic and really need help and advice we are offering TELEHEALTH appointments. This is where we talk to you through your computer and we can ask you questions, get you to do certain things to assess what is wrong and provide appropriate advice and support.
These are for the AT RISK GROUPS:
Over 70,
Have long term health conditions,
Have a weak immune system,
Have recently returned from abroad (last 2 weeks).
These can also be booked and paid for online or via Alex – call the clinic and key 2.
The following protective measures have been put in place at the clinic:
- Please do not arrive TOO early for your appointment. Appointments have been spaced out to protect YOU! Please notify reception when you have arrived and WAIT IN YOUR CAR. We will ring you when we are ready for you to come in.
- Please use the hand sanitiser and sign the consent to be treated form.
- Please change into a clinic gown – gentlemen you will need to keep this on throughout the appointment.
- Your chiropractor will be masked and gloved for your session and the beds, tables and door handles will be cleaned in-between EVERY PATIENT.
- If you need to use the toilet facilities please wash your hands properly and use a single towel then place it in the laundry basket provided.
- Subsequent appointments can be booked at reception and payments can be made by contactless (the contactless limit has been raised to £45). NO CASH PLEASE.
Stock is available to EVERYONE for purchase on these days – please email Alex or call in advance during the opening hours so that we can get your goods ready for immediate collection and payment.
The extended appointments will continue throughout May, maybe into June and beyond – who knows. We will continue to strive to protect you and ourselves as much as possible.
PLEASE NOTE : Appointments with Troy, Ruth, Jenny and Anne are all supsended at the moment – we will notify you by text or phone call if your booked appointment is cancelled. You can view your appointments with them online through JANEAPP the same as the chiropractic ones but you cannot book new ones at the moment – sorry.
We often talk about the immune system and how strong or weak it is; but what is it? Our body relies on our immune system to defend us from viruses, bacteria and anything that it considers to be a pathogen. Developing a strong immune system is vital not only to maintain good health but also to support our body in functioning to its full potential.
Our lifestyle plays a huge role in whether or not we stay healthy. It can be hard to assimilate the right nutrients to boost our immune system only through a healthy diet. One way to maintain our immune system is to introduce food supplements like vitamin C, D and B, key nutrients into our diets. The two most proven supplements that aid the immune system are vitamin D, which comes from the sun and with increased time spent indoors is now more important to help supplement. The other is the mineral zinc which plays an important role in making the cells within the immune system.
Our immune system is made up of proteins, tissues, organs and cells (white blood cells) and all of these work together to keep us healthy. Its main role is to protect and fight against harmful organisms, pathogens, and neutralise them whenever they come into contact with them.
Another great way to help support the immune system is gentle low-grade exercise. Research has shown that exercise improves defence activity and improves metabolic health. However, in intense training periods athletes had an increased illness risk. Therefor exercising within your limits will be the best for your immune system.
And it’s important to note that sleep is important for your health. Getting the right amount of sleep helps your body heal and produce enough cells to keep your immune system strong and healthy.
While much of chiropractic treatment focuses on muscle, joint and bone pain, chiropractic adjustments can aid the overall health.
One of the main causes of immune system problems comes from the compression of nerve pathways. Musculo-skeletal adjustment can improve our overall health by keeping us mobile and reducing the risk of getting chronic diseases.
Contact your chiropractor if you have muscle or joint pain, or if your mobility feels restricted.
Every day our lungs automatically expand and contract up to 20,000 times, allowing us to breathe and oxygenate our body. Our breaths can be short or long, and can be affected by respiratory disease, momentary distress or simply breathing in an incorrect manner. All those breathing variables affect our body, from the immune system to our posture and spinal alignment.
Chiropractic care is a proven and natural way of helping to reduce and relieve the symptoms and side effects of specific breathing problems. Chiropractic adjustments help with improving movement in the ribs and restoring strength to the intercostal muscles.
Contributing factors to breathing issues are problems with the spine and the thoracic nerves. Thoracic nerves are found in the chest as an extension of the spinal nerves branching from the vertebrae carrying vital signals between the spinal cord, the body and lungs. Misalignment of a vertebra or the spine can result in pain and reduce range of motion, and can ultimately cause breathing issues.
Are you breathing correctly? One way to assess your breathing pattern is to take a deep breath. Is your stomach going in or out? If your stomach went out, you are most likely breathing correctly. If your stomach caved inwards, you are probably breathing incorrectly and not taking full advantage of your lung capacity.
The movement of your stomach is reflecting the way your diaphragm is working. The diaphragm is a large sheet of muscle that separates the lungs and abdomen, which plays an integral part in the ability of the lungs to function. When the thoracic nerves and surrounding muscles are in distress, the diaphragm will not function properly, limiting oxygen intake and reducing lung capacity.
Ultimately, breathing incorrectly or fatigued breathing drives overworks neck and shoulder muscle, which try to compensate and become stiff and sore. The higher the level of back and neck pain, the more the body is prone to adjust its posture to an incorrect hunching position, which can lead to further breathing problems. Similarly, breathing problems can affect the posture by bringing the pelvis, the abdomen and diaphragm out of balance.
Here are some tips to improve breathing:
- Avoid sitting for an extended period of time
- Control the upper back posture
- Practice deep breathing techniques focusing on abdominal and diaphragm movements
- Take 5-10 minutes of the day to focus on your breathing, and assess it
Chiropractic treatment can help with neck pain and back pain, which can improve your overall spinal health and your breathing.
These days doctors often ‘prescribe’ exercise as a way to maintain good health and with good reason. Being active not only makes us feel better, it can also help ease various symptoms and cut risk of disease.
Studies have shown that people in their late 70s who undertake at least 20 minutes of exercise per day need fewer prescriptions and are ess likely to be admitted to hospital than those who don’t. Exercise has been shown to be as effective at lowering blood pressure as certain medication, as well as being shown to improve heart and gut health, memory and balance. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends exercise 3 times per week between 45min to an hour, for 3 months for those with mild or moderate depression. The physical activity also stimulates our brains and helps prevent anxiety and stress, as well as increasing the lifespan and improving the quality of life.
1. For Living Longer – Jogging
A US study showed that adults over 65 who ran or jogged for at least 30 minutes 3 times per week were as healthy as young adults in their 20s. This might not sound important, but your walking style is a key indicator of mortality, so the longer you can stay spritely on your feet, the longer and healthier your life should be. Meanwhile, another study found that light jogging (between 70-120 minutes per week) was linked to the lowest mortality rate compared to sedentary people and heavy runners – so little and often is key here.
2. For Improving Memory – Dancing
A study from 2017 found that all exercise can help reverse the signs of ageing in the brain, but dancing more than any other sport. The study, which focused on adults in their late 60s who took part in a weekly dance class, found that all participants showed an increase in the hippocampus region of the brain, which can be affected by diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as more general age-related decline.
3. For Back Pain – Active Therapies
Many GP appointments are connected to muscle and nerve problems- and these are often based in the back. If you suffer with back pain, you will know that it can affect your movement and sleep and leave you feeling quite low. Luckily, help is at hand in the form of gentle stretching. Also, research shows that active therapies, such as chiropractic treatment, are a great option for managing back pain and to create optimal alignment, balance and symmetry.
4. For Depression and Anxiety – Walking
Science agrees – walking outdoors has been linked to a reduction in stress and a boost in mood, particularly for those who have just been through a negative life event such as serious illness or loss of a loved one. Brisk walks have also been shown to help women deal with the anxiety and stress that’s sometimes associated with menopause. Movement helps your brain to release endorphins, feel-good hormones that can reduce the perception of pain as well as depression or stress.
5. For Bone and Muscle Health – Weight Training
Experts are increasingly suggesting a bit of strength training goes a long way when it comes to better bone and muscle health. As we get older, we start to lose muscle mass, which can leave us prone to falls, as well as making it easier to gain weight. So think of strength training as insurance for your later life. While this could mean leading to lift lightweights, it can also mean strength exercises using your own body weight – such as sit-ups or squats. It’s really never too late to start. A study of 90-year-olds found that 12 weeks of strength training improved their muscle tone, ability to balance, general power and walking speed.
Don’t forget 150 minutes (just over 21 mins daily) is the minimum moderate exercise the NHS recommends for adults to stay healthy! And the best part is, it’s freely available to most of us, small things make a big difference. Movement is the new medicine!
Exercise has benefits for nearly every body. It is effective both as a treatment and for prevention of disease. Here’s four ways you can help yourself by getting moving…
Dancing against Dementia
It’s thought that remembering steps and making split-second adjustments to your movements stimulates the brain’s ability to make new connections between cells. Music itself is believed to have a therapeutic effect, and the social interaction involved in dancing helps boost mental health.
Regular dancing is linked to a 76% reduction in the likelihood of developing dementia, according to US researchers, who studied the link between leisure activities and dementia risk.
Dancing is also beneficial for dementia patients. A New Zealand study found that older adults with dementia appeared to have experienced an improved quality of life after exposure to music and dance.
It doesn’t matter which step you do, so choose a dance type you enjoy, whether that’s waltz, salsa or something else. There are other proven mental health benefits of dance, including a reduced risk of depression and anxiety. Dancing also can affect your mood by raising levels of our natural feel-good hormones, dopamine and serotonin.
Cycling for your Immunity
Cycling can hold back the effects of ageing and rejuvenate the immune system, a study has found.
Scientists at the University of Birmingham found cyclists aged 54-79 produced more immune cells (T-cells), the production of which usually starts to shrink from your 20s. They also preserved muscle mass and strength with age while maintaining stable levels of body fat and cholesterol.
You can integrate it into your lifestyle, simply as part of your movement pattern. Regular moderate exercise is more beneficial than one big weekly workout, so it makes physical and economic sense to incorporate your bike ride into your everyday exercise.
Walking for Insomnia
A study has shown that moderately intense aerobic exercise, such as walking, reduces the time it takes you to nod off and increases the duration of sleep.
It could in part be due to the release of anxiety-busting brain chemicals such as serotonin, and the rise and subsequent fall in body temperature that helps promote sleep. Walking outside in natural daylight also helps to set your circadian biological clock – your natural sleep-wake cycle, which controls the release of the sleepy hormone melatonin. And it’s not just great for a good night’s sleep. Walking helps to protect against cardiovascular diseases, cancer, bone-thinning osteoporosis, and dementia. It’s also good for our mental health to get outside and see gardens or green spaces, and walking can be sociable too.
Tennis for Osteoporosis
Regular weight-bearing activity, such as racquet sports, can help maintain bone density. Bone is a living tissue, which grows stronger with the force of our muscles pulling against it. Exercise can help delay the rate of age-related bone density loss. Osteoporosis is a condition where bone density and quality are reduced, and it affects more than two million women in the UK. After the menopause, when the protective effect of oestrogen on the bone is removed, there is often an accelerated rate of bone loss. So playing tennis in later life is a great way to keep bones healthy. Another great reason to play tennis is that it can add 10 years to your life! It’s thought the social side of the game as well as the physical activity boosts longevity.
Many people feel tired or run-down at some point during the day. A lack of energy could affect your daily activities and make you less productive. The type and quantity of food you eat play an essential role in determining your energy levels during the day. A few simple changes in your diet may be all you need to get back to your brighter self. Give yourself an energy overhaul with the following tips.
Eat every three hours
Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus a healthy snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon, with no longer than three hours between. This will stop those cravings for sweet foods. Keeping snacks such as vegetable sticks and hummus or peanut butter and oatcakes to hand will help you to resist sugary hits and keep your energy stable.
Drink up
It is important to regularly top up your liquid levels, to help you to feel more alert and focused, and to get rid of any brain fog. Our bodies are mostly made up of water, so replenishing during the day helps to keep us feeling our best. Aim to drink two litres of water throughout the day.
Power up with protein
Instead of carbohydrate-loaded cereals, switch to a lean protein source for breakfast. Protein takes longer to digest, so it will keep you fuller for longer, and also helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Try eggs, salmon and avocado to start the day. A protein-focused lunch will also help to curb the notorious afternoon dip, and a protein shake will keep your energy steady.
Be clever with sugar
If you are craving sweets all the time, swap to something with less sugar. Try eating dark chocolate, which you might be less prone to eating too much of. That’s because milk chocolate is mostly sugar and milk solids, but dark chocolate is richer in cocoa and satisfying after a square or two. Berries are also a good choice as they have sugar, but the fibre will help “buffer” the sugar high to prevent energy levels from rising and falling.
Choose wholegrain
Start buying wholegrain alternatives for your bread, pasta and rice. Whole grains release energy slowly as their carbohydrates break down slowly over several hours so that they do not suddenly flood the bloodstream with sugar. Also, this gradual release helps you feel fuller for a longer time, suppresses your appetite and stops you craving sweet foods.
Aim for more vitamins
Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables will help you add important nutrients and good bacteria to your digestive tract. It is important to eat such foods as broccoli and cauliflower as they are full of micronutrients, antioxidants and fibre. If you find that your eyelids are hanging in the middle of the morning, choose fruit as a snack. Peeling and eating the fruit with its invigorating aroma will give you a pickup.
Many patients who suffer from knee, back or shoulder pain for example can attribute these issues to a pelvic dysfunction. While pelvic dysfunction is not life threatening it can be life limiting so find out how you can make small changes that may make a large difference. If you’re suffering from regular pain and think you might have a misaligned pelvis, it’s important for patients to visit a chiropractor.
Pelvic dysfunction often happen as a result of everyday awkward movements over time such as lifting heavy loads without care and sitting at a desk with bad posture as well as during pregnancy and childbirth or from injury.
The pelvis acts as a transmitter of forces between the legs and the spine. Many important muscle groups attach to the pelvis, the thigh muscles from below and the muscles of the trunk from above. If the pelvic joints (sacroiliac joints and pubic symphysis) are not moving correctly this can cause an imbalance resulting in pain in many different places. It could be looked at as a core stabilizer, supporting the spine, legs and wide range of muscles, so when the pelvis is not working properly (hip is tilted out of position) it can cause pain, weakness and tightness that can travel through the hip and pelvis up into the shoulders and neck, it also commonly can cause referred pain down into the legs.
There are three distinct areas that may be affected as a result of Pelvic Dysfunction these include the hips, which can become achy, painful and inflamed, the lower back which due to impairment of stability and function of (hyperextension) of the muscles in the abdomen and lower back which can cause spinal joint (facet joint) injuries and finally, the knee and ankle which can be put under a lot of strain if weight is shifted to one side to compensate for the pelvic dysfunction.
You can do a simple test at home to help you look for obvious signs of pelvic dysfunction: stand barefoot in front of a mirror with your back straight but relaxed. Imagine a vertical line going straight down the middle of your body and a second line near your shoulders that is perfectly perpendicular to the first line. If your hips are out of alignment, your pelvis will appear diagonal rather than parallel to the second line meaning you have a lateral pelvic tilt. This could be a sign of pelvic dysfunction.
Due to the advice of the government and the British Chiropractic Association we have had to close the clinic as of Monday 23 March 2020.
This is for the protection of our patients, our team and to assist in the reduction and spread of this virus.
It has not been an easy decision to make as we realise that many of you are dependant on our care.
As soon as we are up and running again we will notify you so please keep a look out.
For over the phone advice please access the helpline by selecting no. 2 on our answerphone system or